I’m very interested and actively working on CQRS, Event Sourcing and Self-contained systems and experimenting with AxonFramework, which I like very much. Especially, I’m looking on distributed scenarios and focus on both messaging and consistency. My last post on this subject is about the event replay (in a local environment) is posted on TechJava. The next topic is a replay in a distribted scenario.

Since some times I’m building a smart home based on OpenHAB. After playing around with local installation and an installation on the Raspberry PI, I decided to change the hosting platform. I’m running a full-fledged HP Proliant G6 server at home (for some other reasons) which has Debian 8 installed on it. For all systems provisioned, I’m using Ansible and Docker. This article gives some insights in the installation.
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Mean.js is a new popular Javascript full stack using MongoDB for persistence. To be more precise it incorporates MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js and allows for very fast and light-weight application development. The use of scaffolder Yeoman boosts creation of modules, routes, controller, views and other boilerplate Javascript code. As a result, a Single Page Application can be generated very fast. In addition a a user module with Passport authorization supporting a local and several social backend strategies is included.
In order to leverage the the backend authorization capabilities to be used ineth enterprise environment, I combined it with LDAP authorization backend. Since passport-ldapauth implements this problem it was natural to use this component. In the following post, I provide the configuration needed for the implementation, inspired by the author of the module.
The article is hosted on my TechJava blog: http://www.techjava.de/topics/2015/10/using-ldap-auth-from-mean-js-application/